It is a long established fact that a company survives only with good products. For a country like India where a doctor in a govt. hospital only manages to give less than 2 minutes for diagnosis due of the unavailability of doctors for the given population, Aayush is trying to bring good health to one and all. It is trying to reach even to the remotest of remote area of the country to provide medicine to the deprived ones. We cannot open hospitals overnight but may try to reach them by Doctors' Camping and proper medicines. We can have stockist at remote areas. We can have Clinics and exactly we are doing the same.

We are manufacturing both allopathic and Ayurveda medicines in the most advance laboratories with state of the art technologies and have been successful in creating a very standardized demand in the market.

Our distribution network is all over West Bengal and North East operating with the support of CNF’s, distributors and stockiest.